
  • Irina Kolinichenko FSBEI HE "Pyatigorsk State University
  • Evgeniya Bondarenko FSBEI HE "Pyatigorsk State University




teachers - preschool teachers, attitude to religiosity, moral and value problems of identity, differentiating categories of identity, unchanged categories of identity


The subject of this study is to determine the assessment of the differentiating and little changeable categories of identity of teachers - educators of preschool educational institutions.The study aims to reveal the attitude towards religiosity of people


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How to Cite

Колиниченко, И., & Бондаренко, Е. (2021). EVALUATION OF DIFFERENTIATING AND SMALL CHANGEABLE IDENTITY CATEGORIES OF TEACHERS. Scientific Look into the Future, 3(17-03), 69–74. https://doi.org/10.30888/2415-7538.2020-17-03-046


