
  • Alexandr Savochkin Sevastopol State University



Virtual Local Area Network, VLAN, OSI, switch, Ethernet


This paper uses the example of second-level switches to study network equipment. Features of configuring port-based virtual local area networks (VLANs) are shown. A block diagram of a laboratory stand based on two Cisco 2924 XL switches is shown. The meth


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Savochkin, A.A. Study of the modern society requirements in telecommunication services / A.A. Savochkin, V.V. Chugunov, S.Y. Kovalenko, M.S. Kozub, V.I. Prots, D.A. Savochkin // Conference Proceedings: CriMiCo 2011 - 21st International Crimean Conference: Microwave and Telecommunication Technology, 2011. — P. 475-476.

Savochkin, A.A. Investigation of IP-telephony systems over the internet in laboratory workshop / A.A. Savochkin, O.R. Abdulgaziev, P.A. Koptsev // Proceedings of VII All-Russian Science-Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists: Recent achievements and prospects of innovations and technologies. Ed. T.G. Klepikova, A.G. Mikhaylova. 2018. — P. 189-193.

Savochkin, A.A. Research of IP telephony systems over the Internet / A.A. Savochkin, P.A. Koptsev, O.R. Abdulgaziev // Materials of the 13th international youth scientific and technical conference "Modern problems of Radioelectronics and telecommunications, RT-2017". Editor A.A. Savochkin. 2017. — P. 100.

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Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) / Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide, Release 15.0SY. — configuration/guide/15_0_sy_swcg/vlans.pdf



How to Cite

Савочкин, О. (2021). RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR A SECOND-LEVEL NETWORK SWITCH. Scientific Look into the Future, 1(18-01), 12–17.


