Information For Authors

Publication in the journal is an honorable and prestigious event. The author's name and data on his work fall into the international scientometric databases, which increases the personal citation index, as an indicator of the scientific activity and popularity of the scientist in world science.

To improve the process of writing an article the journal's experts developed the Manuals>>>:
We recommend that you study them before you start working on the text.

Please look through practices that are unacceptable in case of publication of an article in our journal:
- re-publication: submission of articles to several journals, which is a violation of the terms of publication of articles and has a contradiction with the generally accepted in the world publishing ethics;
- duplication of publication (self-plagiarism): publication of similar or identical articles in different journals (sometimes in different languages). This is considered self-plagiarism.
- plagiarism: misuse of other people's ideas and research results without proper reference to them, as a source. Full or partial intentional attribution of authorship to the results of research by other scientists;
- Fabrication and falsification of data: fabrication of data means that the author did not conduct research, and the results are fictitious. Falsification of the data means that the author made some changes to the data obtained.

  1. to study the Editorial Policies and Recommendations for Authors and Rules for Article Layout
  2. Obtain a personal ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID). This will make it possible to functionally combine and harmonize the personality of an individual scientist with his scientific activity (publication of articles, work in scientific institutions, participation in grants, etc.).
ORCID supplements / replaces the author's name and surname with a set of digits.
Thus, the following identification problems are solved:
  • erroneous, wrong spelling of the scientist's name;
  • incorrect automatic or manual translation of the name to other languages;
  • the problem of identical surnames of scientists (namesakes).

If you have any questions, we will try to help you.