Focus and Scope

The obtaining of competitive high-quality products is based on the introduction of high technologies from various independent areas of scientific research.

Among these scientific areas there are: technics, transport, security, physics and mathematics, chemistry, medicine, veterinary medicine and pharmaceutics, geology, geography, biology, agriculture, economics, management and marketing, tourism and recreation, pedagogy, psychology and sociology, physical upbringing and sports, philosophy and philology, art history, architecture and building, history, law and political sciences.

The publication of scientific articles in these directions is the main "vector" of the work and development of the journal. After all, they are those directions of scientific research, the results of which can be used directly in modern manufacture and services sector.

Publications of the journal "Scientific look into the future" are intended for a wide readership - all those who love science. The materials published in the journal reflect actual problems and affect the interests of the entire public.

Purpose of the journal
Informing the public through the publication of actual articles based on the results of original theoretical and applied research of the authors.
Tasks of the journal:
- assistance in unification of professional scientific strength and the formation of a new generation of scientists in various fields
- assistance to young scientists in informing the scientific public about their scientific achievements
- the formation of an open scientific polemic that contributes to improving the quality of scientific research
- provision of publicity and openness in reflecting scientific issues
- formation and development of perspective scientific directions;
- removal the gap that arises between the rapidly appearing new scientific knowledge and their introduction into manufacture and services sector
- assistance in improving the quality of training specialists.