
  • Ivan Tretyak ISOiP (f) DSTU in Shakhty https://orcid.org/
  • Dmitriy Kuznetsov ISOiP (f) DSTU in Shakhty https://orcid.org/
  • Mikhail Vlasov ISOiP (f) DSTU in Shakhty https://orcid.org/




carpal tunnel syndrome, sedentary lifestyle, eSports, wrist, median nerve, sports, physical activity, prevention,


The article deals with the most urgent problems for a present day man living in a big city: reduced motor activity and pinching of the middle nerve (carpal tunnel syndrome). And also the influence of these factors on the development of eSports. The articl


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How to Cite

Третьяк, И., Кузнецов, Д., & Власов, М. (2021). СYBERSPORTSMAN’S DISEASES. Scientific Look into the Future, 2(19-02), 119–124. https://doi.org/10.30888/2415-7538.2020-19-02-027




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